Monday, March 24, 2008

A name for Baby.

Baby Boy Igleheart now has a name. I've had the name picked out scenes before Lily was born,I just had to convince Jeff that that's what it was going to be. We had one more name option witch was Tyler but our friends used it on the boy they just had and I like my choice better. So Our Son will be named.
*Connor Scott Igleheart*

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

This is what the easter bunny brought Lily.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Eggs

Pretty Eggs

The Park

So after we made lily take pics we took her to the park so she could fly her new dora kite and run around. Well only a few mins after getting the kite in the air Jeff hands her the string so she can do it. Well she let go of it and it being a bit windy the kit takes off and her and jeff go chasing after it. It was quite funny. Well the string got in a tree and the kite is still in the air flying around. But once tthe wind let up a bit the kite came down and they got it back. Then the snow cone truck came so i took lily over to get one, well she wanted bubble gum witch ened up being Blue bubble gum. She got it everywhere her whole face was blue, but it was a great day even though I ended up with a sunburn on my arms and back.

Family Pictures

We finally had time to take some new family pics at the park taken by my sis on sat. Even though Lily was more interested in the water and the ducks and then it was windy. But here's some of the pics that came out the best.

Lily blowing in the wind Me at 22 1/2wks

Friday, March 21, 2008

Kids do say the craziest things.

So this morning while I was washing dishes I heard Lily talking to herself, witch isn't completely unusual. But I looked over and she was kneeling on top on her table with her big ball with her hands crossed, so I turned off the water so I could try to hear what she was saying. I'll I heard was, And mom's cooking breakfast. So I asked her who she was talking to, and she tells me Heavenly Father. Then she starts saying her prayers witch where heavenly father thank you for the food and thank mommy for cooking the food then she was done. It was to cute, I guess you just never know what there going to say.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Thursday March 7th,
Lily on her way to her dental surgery.
Lily had to go in to the doctors to have some teeth removed, this is her after they gave her the med. to make her sleepy, she was quite interesting on it, she was trying to watch cartoons but kept forgetting what she was watching, then she kept telling everyone Hi and trying to wave at them and then stare at her hands it was very funny.
Lily at home after her surgery showing off her pretty gums.

We got good news today! I had my doc. appointment to find out what we're having and we got our wish we are having a BOY! so here he is,

Baby boy Igleheart